
Monday 30 April 2018

Sore hands, could it be Too Much Crochet syndrome?

Well, there has been far too much crochet going on over the past couple of weeks. I can tell because my hands ache. And, as I simply refuse to stop taking on fabulous commissions from various lovely places such as crochet mags and fabulous yarn makers, something has to be done to save my poor aching fingers!

The answer, I discovered, is simple. Gardening is not only good for the soul, but good for the hands too, as I think I must be using different movements for planting and weeding to dc-ing and trebling! My recent purchase of this beautiful selection of herbs for my herb bed is now planted in the ground, waiting for some sun. There's yarrow, borage, cotton lavender, hyssop, chamomile, thyme, nepeta, angelica and lavenders. A bee's delight in a few weeks I hope. My hands feel better for the break too.

In all seriousness, though, us crafters do have to watch out for RSI and muscle strain by taking regular breaks from our beloved projects, even if it is almost impossible to put down the work and move away. 'Just one more row' I know- I can almost hear you saying it! xxxx